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How to Eat Out Vegan

Today, I want to talk about one of the BIGGEST struggles of being vegan…. eating out. It is definitely hard when you are vegan, and you have to eat out, especially ayt new restaurants. Sometimes, the restaurant has a ton of options and you are perfectly fine, but then sometimes you come across places that have barely (or none ) any vegan options. Here is some tips for when you come across that situation: 

  1. Read The Menu Again

First, just make sure to read the menu one more time to make sure you didn’t miss anything. 

2. Read The Sides

Next, if you didn’t find anything, I suggest looking at the options for side dishes, usually there will be quite a few vegan options on there. Like: side salads, french fries, potatoes, corn, etc… Hopefully you can find something on there, that may not be super filling, but will at least give you some food before you get home. 

3. Ask!

Ask the restaurant if they have any vegan options! Sometimes restaurants will have special vegan t options that aren’t on the menu. So just make sure to ask what all their vegan options are, and hopefully you will find something delicious! 

4. Make Adjustments

Maybe, you find something on the menu that could totally be vegan, but there is something like cheese on it. Just ask if you can have it without the cheese (or whatever non - vegan food is on it) 

Hope these tips are good, and make sure to check out my next post on Monday!


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